Regenerative thermal incinerator (RTO)
Coating, textile, pharmaceutical, chemical organic waste gas of low concentration, big air volume;
Coating, textile, pharmaceutical, chemical organic waste gas of low concentration, big air volume;
The zwitterionic polyacrylamide is formed by copolymerization of the cationic monomer, acrylamide monomer, and hydrolysis agent.
Under low temperature conditions, high air volume organic waste gas passes through the KPR Zeolite Rotary Concentrator, and VOC molecules adsorb its surface.
The project plans to build a 60-ton-day hazardous waste incineration device of Jiangxi Brothers Pharmaceutical Co., LTD., for the incineration and treatment of the hazardous waste generated by the plant.
DF-03 is modified starch by inserting hydration groups and high temperature stabilizer to improve the water solubility and temperature resistance (up to 135 ℃). And ensure its good fluid loss performance under both low and high temperature. DF-03 is an environmental friendly, low viscosity, salt resistance (up to saturation) filtration reducer. Its recommend dosage is 1.0%-2.0%.
Morbi mattis ipsum sem, in gravida dolor venenatis vestibulum. Aenean laoreet, nisi in bibendum dictum, purus libero accumsan enim, id vehicula enim metus vitae ipsum. Maecenas nulla est, dictum quis augue ultrices, dictum rutrum enim. Aliquam erat volutpat. Quisque ultricies ornare lacus, eu sagittis urna euismod ac. Nulla rhoncus ultrices ligula, id maximus ligula ultricies non.
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